New Amazing Work Of Fashion Students
Every year I like to collaborate with some fashion design students. They work with very creative concepts and make very special outfits, so it’s a good variety to the other photo shoots I do with more regular and wearable styling! What is your favorite collection?
We edit and exaggerate, we crave adulation, we pretend we don’t notice the social isolation. We put our words into order, until our lives are glistening, we don’t even know if anyone is listening. I am guilty too, of being part of this machine, this digital world, where we are heard but not seen. Where we type and don’t talk, where we read as we chat, where we spend hours together, without making eye contact. Source: “Look Up” by Gary Turk – Floor Bras
fashion design Floor Bras / make-up and hair Cosmo Styling Rotterdam / model Sophie @ De Boekers / photography Liselotte Fleur
Emission of radiance
In emission of radiance gaat over het uitstoten van straling. De collectie geeft een fictief toekomstbeeld weer waar we ons, door toedoen van overbevolking op aarde, bevinden in een multi-planetaire samenleving. Hierbij staat de weerspiegeling van de krachtige vrouw, die aan extreme klimaat veranderingen onderhevig is, centraal. – Eline Bouman
fashion design Eline Bouman / make-up and hair Iris Zuidema / model Tessa @ Touche Model Management / photography Liselotte Fleur
View Pieces
In mijn collectie view pieces ben ik op zoek naar authenticiteit. ik schep diversiteit in een wereld waarin mensen meer en meer op elkaar beginnen te lijken. Waarin het steeds moeilijker wordt om je te kunnen onderscheiden. Waarin we eigenheid zoek raken. In mijn collectie ga ik de strijd aan het tussen uniformiteit vertaal ik door middel van mijn materiaalbewerkingen. Ik gebruik diverse technieken als breien, borduren, stikken en het samensmelten van stoffen. Ik probeer hiermee gezichtspunten te verbreden. – Elysanne Schuurman
fashion design Elysanne Schuurman / make-up and hair Leonie Schuurman / models Ellis @ Elite Model Management & Kim @ Elvis Models / photography Liselotte Fleur
Het concept achter de collectie is geïnspireerd door de Santa Muerte, een Mexicaans geloof in de heilige dood. – Eline Breuker
fashion design Eline Breuker / make-up and hair Peter Dwars / model Nina @ The Amazing Agency / photography Liselotte Fleur
Matriarchy is a collection for a society ruled women. Women that are confident, independent and strong. They don’t have to prove themselves to anyone. This woman, she is proud of her story and roots, she is the leader of the Matriarchy. She fights for what she believes in and for others. The garments are an extension of herself, they carry culture, memories and meaning as used in ancestral cultures as the Mapuche culture were woman have a key role in their society. This is why the inspiration for this collection is the rol of the Mapuche woman in Chile, always fighting for what they believed and what they want. Proud of their essence and believes. – Valeska Morales
fashion design Valeska Morales / make-up and hair Iris Zuidema / models Marije and Delicia @ Linda Models / photography Liselotte Fleur
Een collectie over jeugd herinneringen met foto’s van vroeger die verwerkt zijn in de outfits. – Rachel Prijs
fashion design Rachel Prijs / make-up and hair Emily Catherine / models Silke and Evie @ Future Faces / photography Liselotte Fleur
(for more pictures, see this blogpost.)
I started this project with both a frustration and a fascination. I noticed, that every girl on instragram (the instagram girl) looks similar to one a nother. By altering their physical appearance, through differetent filters. I saw girls with no imperfections. I asked myself – Is this a realistic representation of what a fe- male in the non- virtual world looks like? And I knew right a way..NO. #IMPERFECTIONS You have the inner core of instagram girls, who serve as an exemple to other girls who follow. They will take extreme masurements to become like the instagram girl. Through our imperfections, we are our unique self. By erasing these imperfections we erase at the same time a part of our own individuality. #COLLECTION Besides the six outfits I made a collection of six wearable metal pieces who holds the model in one place. Those pieces are inspired by the beauty standarts of the 80’s and 90’s supermodels who on posed true life. This becose those poses aren’t natural and look forsed and uncomfortable on a “normal“ human body. – Anne Fleur van der Vloed
fashion design Anne Fleur van der Vloed / make-up Errol Severin / hair Elvira van Bronckhorst / model Melissa / photography Liselotte Fleur
I love all these collaborations! You go, Liselotte <3
I think my favorite design is the first one, with the black dress and the fringe. Love it!
Wat een prachtige creaties!