Inspiration For My Own Studio

My dream since a long time is to own a small photo studio + a workspace where I can work on my photography assignments. Another nice thing is that I finally can hire a intern, because I keep receiving emails with internship requests every month. It would be good to have someone to work with and I love to help photography students with a passion for fashion- and portrait photography. The inspiration photos from Pinterest are not low budget at all, so my studio will definitely not look the same. But don’t quite your day dream! I’ll probably rent a big room in an old school- or office building in Rotterdam, so I’m not able to change the floor and walls. Luckily I already own a lot of studio stuff like different backdrops, background systems, professional flash lights, camera’s and lenses. I also have a lot of decoration and old furniture in my room that I can use to decorate the workspace with. My goal is to create a nice workspace with a low budget. I already wrote down a lot of plans and ideas for the studio and I also created a call for an intern what I will publish when everything is done. Next week I’ll have my first appointment, so we will see! Keep you updated..
photos: Pinterest

Wat leuk dat je met stagiaires gaat werken! Btw de studios zien er super gaaf uit. Ben benieuwd hoe die van jou gaat worden.
Ziet er echt heel tof uit allemaal! Vooral ook van die randen aan je muur waar je ontelbaar lijstjes op kunt zetten!
Als het is toegestaan om gaten in de muren te maken ga ik zeker zo’n plankjes-met-fotolijstjes-muur maken!