Comparison Is The Thief Of Joy

        Last week I asked in my Instagram Stories: ‘What is stopping you from shooting more?’. Because right before that question, I posted a poll if my followers wanted to shoot more or less, and 99% answered with more. The answers I received where the once you expected like: ‘money, time, no inspiration etc.’ But I also received a lot of responses from people who said that they are not good enough or that they don’t dare to organize a shoot.

        I can imagine that it is hard to get started in photography right now when you have Instagram where you can follow photography accounts with the most amazing photos. Your photos as a beginner will probably never look the same, and it is important to know that this is very normal. You shouldn’t to compare yourself as a beginner with a pro, that’s simply not fair.

        Don’t compare your chapter 1 to someone’s chapter 20.

        I noticed that it works better for me when I don’t follow the few photographers who are not inspiring me, but only making me feel insecure about my own work. Maybe this will also work for you.

        Just start organizing your shoots and don’t be afraid to share the results. And always remind that when you are not happy with the results, you probably learned a lot from the shoot itself. So this is already a win situation.

        People will appreciate to see that you are doing what you love. Remember that everyone started as a beginner, so we are all the same!

        The first step in being successful, is being a professional optimist.

        Being positive about your own work is so important to enjoy your shoots. Photography is probably your hobby, or when it is your job, I think it started as a hobby, so please don’t let comparison destroy this!

        photography: Liselotte Fleur
        styling: Zoe Wagenaar
        makeup and hair: Marjolein Mullens
        model: Dido @ Max Models

        Liselotte Fleur


        1 COMMENT

        Liselotte Fleur I absolutely LOVE your blog. It is so inspiring. Thank you for sharing so openly.

        x Jennene