Building a Career as an Introvert Photographer

I can call myself an introvert and I’m fine with this because I learned how to deal with it. In my job as a fashion photographer I have to direct teams and work with new people all the time and this is something that I love to do now, but it took me some time to feel comfortable in these situations. I wrote before about this in the post where I tell about ‘How Photography Changed My Life.’
Photography Is The Right Job For You
Personally I think this is the right kind of job for introverts because you have to work alone the most of the time. But, it’s super important to learn for yourself how to deal with this, because if you want to run a successful photography business and if you want to be a fashion, portrait or wedding photographer, you have to work with teams and a lot of people around you. For me it’s important to find the perfect mix between being alone and being surrounded with other people. When I feel drained after a shoot, I have to find time for myself to recharge. The reason why I love my job as a fashion photographer, even when it costs me more energy than extroverted people, is because THIS is what I really want. So I just excepted the fact that I’m not that kind of photographer that is super energetic on set and jumps around while screaming how beautiful the pictures are. This was what I always saw on TV so I thought that I couldn’t be a good fashion photographer when I just started..
Take Time To Practice
Then something happend: I received feedback from my clients that they liked that I’m concentrated on set and really listen to their ideas and that I stay calm, even when there is stress during a shoot. But don’t get me wrong, this took me a few years to learn and accept it. My tip is, just practice as much as possible and organize a lot of shoots with new people. You will learn how to start good conversations and how to direct your team as an introvert. I think right now some people won’t even notice that I’m an introvert. Although I must admit that I changed during the years, so I feel more comfortable in new big groups of people.
Use Your Unique Quality as a Selling Point
Be who you are and only change/learn the things that you really want to work on. You will notice that other people really like your calmness and that they enjoy to work with you. Use your unique quality as a selling point!
Prepare questions to start a conversation with new people
Practice your photography as much as possible
Give yourself time to recharge
Prepare for your shoots
Know your gear
Trust yourself

Thank you for sharing this! I am introvert as well in the process of beginning my photography business! I have never found a photographer who has shared like this before. I keep having these moments of lows and questioning myself but feeling uplifted and encouraged. Also, love and appreciate your style <3