Best Portrait Lens for Olympus Pen

The 45mm lens is the lens I love to use on my Olympus PEN camera. It’s one of the most popular focal lengths for portraiture! Since the Micro Four Thirds standard has a crop factor of 2, that means the lens has the same field of view as a 90mm lens in the traditional 35mm format, or also called Full Frame these days. I love shooting this lens wide open at f/1.8. The auto focus works fast and the shots are super sharp. I also use this lens during my trips when I want to zoom in on a subject, because I’m only working with prime lenses like the 17mm en 25mm.
What is your favorite portrait lens?
NL: De brandpuntafstand van 45mm is het meest flatteus voor het menselijk lichaam omdat deze geen vertekening weergeeft, waardoor ik deze graag gebruik voor (zelf)portretten! Daarnaast kan ik geen genoeg krijgen van de bokeh en onscherpte in de achtergrond.
Selfportraits – made with the Olympus PEN E-PL7 + 45mm.

Thank you!